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SARS危機 期,lzm&宣佈戰勝SARS重寫肺炎醫學歷史!

同時,癌症 對人類的危害也如 SARS一樣成爲歷史  

PCT/SG03/00145       PCT-出版公告-201103.htm       PCT-BI-040903a.htm

   為方便哄騙市民打疫苗被蠢蛋化, ycec.com 2021.3.03 突然在港被恶毒强行關閉後及

拜登的插手, 林鄭的疫苗護照才敢馬上出台, 如下此信關聯的.pdf or.htm

現只可轉 ycec.net ycec.sg 才可打開,各方切莫上當!


 中國專利局曾一度來自不正常的干涉而停止申請程序,因此出版延至200424日。 SARS-Patent-Big5.htm




中國專利局 復函 正式進入審查階段






下面的.htm 或  均在 ycec.com打不開 可改轉 ycec.net or ycec.sg


  *. 新台湾专利申請地址:     www.ycec.net/tw.htm  

     *. 新美国专利申請地址:   www.ycec.net/us/10-169,063.htm

  Discriminate against of PCT

報告提供3 案例,其中竟包括一個並非公眾出版的例子,末明用意!


PCT 檢索報告證實了lzm 的發明PCT/SG03/00145 沒有先例!


 Invention had changed the World Medical History!

That's what it to show off the invention had been successful, why the HongKong and China Gov. of SARS disaster area whom were to act willfully to conceal

How to untie-read the influence of Chinese leader, tracking evil manipulator how to Black and white do not divide!  Inventor's factory was sell illegally by Shen-zhen city government of China and stopped production for many years and lead into multiple lawsuits in high court of Hong Kong.  Therefore, inventor had request and asked former President Jiang Zemin to protect investment, but had no any result! … Up to the Dean of Faculty of Medicine of Hong Kong Chinese to expose, which was a Secret Order of Centralization to conceal medical accomplishment However, the" secret order " send by which one of the China leaders?

 Thus it can be seen, the “Secret Order of Centralization” to be exposed it was using command the judge to announce a verdict, please to glance at www.ycec.sg/SARS-secret-order.htm The dark society was permeates the politics or the leader had utilize dark society means to point to cope with above inventor to explain why should be to act willfully to conceal the medical invention!

To explain the hateful acts of the ruler further, the invention had changed the world medical history and exempt the fear of mankind which at the same time save the Chinese, Singaporeans, Taiwanese and Hong Kongers from SARS that has brought about the difficult conditions and cost some lives too!   Furthermore, recent events have also proved that the inventor’s innovation can also cure patients suffering from cancer.  Why then do they at the same time want to suppress a medical accomplishment and deceive history?

The international patent of PCT/SG03/00145 is applied with the identity as a Singaporean by the inventor, those Gov. had no appreciated the inventor’s innovation and ironically, the ruler sent out the same “forced-out” of dark society, therefore the PCT of Singapore Office had violated the stipulation of PCT and refused enter the national phase of the application, though the PCT International Bure au had substitute for the receive office that it was fear also…

The rule by law put on for distorted and the civilization of international society had nothing left! It is our duty, you will be interest in why!

Site addresses of the IP Offices

        The traced of history does not allow to wipe out!