Rules of Registration

登记条例  ROR


1. Introduction   介绍                                                                                                                                             2

2. Form         表格                                                                                                                                                2

3. Confirmation by Applicant   申请人确认                                                                                                           2

4. Registrar as Your Agent and Service Provider 注册为您的代理和服务提供商                                               2

5. Available Domain Name for Registration    可供注册的域名                                                                            3

6. Conditions for Choice of   选择条件                                                                                                                3

7. Reserved                保留                                                                                                                                  3

8. Eligibility Criteria         资格标准                                                                                                                       4

9. Priorities in Registration    注册优先权                                                                                                              6



1.      Introduction简介

   1.1. This document sets out the rules and principles (the “Rules”) governing the application and the registration of Domain Names with SGNIC. You, as an applicant (the “Applicant”), are expected to abide by and conform to the latest version of these Rules when you make an application to have the Domain Name registered by SGNIC.  SGNIC accepts your application on the assumption that you have complied with these Rules. However, acceptance of your application or compliance with these Rules will not automatically result in successful registration of the Domain Name. SGNIC is not obliged to notify you in respect of the status of your application or to provide any reason for not allowing the registration of the Domain Name. SGNIC may request for additional information or verification from you, and may treat your application as withdrawn if such request is not met in a timely fashion. Upon successful registration of the Domain Name (i.e. where the Domain Name has been entered into the Shared Registry System operated by SGNIC for the registration of Domain Names and shows an active status), it shall be deemed that you have entered into the Domain Name Registration Agreement (the “DNRA”) with SGNIC. The latest version of this Agreement may be found at SGNIC’s website (

         本文件规定了管理向 SGNIC 申请和注册域名的规则和原则(规则)。您作为申请人(以下简称申请人),在申请SGNIC注册域名时,应遵守并遵守本规则的最新版本。SGNIC 在您遵守这些规则的前提下接受您的申请。但是,接受您的申请或遵守这些规则不会自动导致成功注册域名。SGNIC 没有义务就您的申请状态通知您或提供任何不允许注册域名的理由。SGNIC 可能会要求您提供其他信息或验证,如果未及时满足此类请求,则可能会将您的申请视为已撤回。域名注册成功后(即该域名已进入SGNIC运营的域名注册共享注册系统并显示有效状态),即视为您已进入域名注册与 SGNIC 的协议(“DNRA”)。本协议的最新版本可在 SGNIC 网站(视为您与SGNIC签订了域名注册协议(“DNRA”)。本协议的最新版本可在 SGNIC 网站(视为您与SGNIC签订了域名注册协议(“DNRA”)。本协议的最新版本可在 SGNIC 网站(


   1.2. Capitalized words used in this document that are not defined shall have the same meaning as set out in the DNRA.

       本文件中使用的未定义的大写词语应与 DNRA 中规定的含义相同。

2.       Form形式

All applications for the registration of a Domain Name shall be made in the form and manner as may be prescribed by SGNIC from time to time. Each application shall be for the registration of one (1) Domain Name only.

所有域名注册申请均应以 SGNIC 不时规定的形式和方式提出。每个申请仅用于注册一(1)个域名。


3. Confirmation by Applicant申请人确认

3.1. Before submitting any application, Applicants must confirm they have read and understood the terms and conditions contained in the latest DNRA and the Reference Documents. These documents are available at SGNIC’s official website ( All applications are made on the basis of you offering to SGNIC, for SGNIC’s acceptance, the terms and conditions contained in the DNRA and the Reference Documents.

    在提交任何申请之前,申请人必须确认他们已阅读并理解最新的 DNRA 和参考文件中包含的条款和条件。这些文件可在 SGNIC 的官方网站 ( 上找到。所有申请均基于您向 SGNIC 提供(供 SGNIC 接受)包含在 DNRA 和参考文件中的条款和条件。


4. Registrar as Your Agent and Service Provider



4.1. SGNIC has accredited entities (the “Registrars”) to offer services to the public in connection with the registration of Domain Names. In addition to these Rules, SGNIC may from time to time inform Registrars of additional requirements and administrative procedures that Registrars and Applicants have to follow.

   SGNIC 已授权实体(注册商)向公众提供与域名注册相关的服务。除了这些规则之外,SGNIC 可能会不时通知注册服务商注册服务商和申请人必须遵守的额外要求和管理程序。


4.2. You are required to appoint a Registrar of your choice as your agent who shall assist and represent you in the application of your Domain Name. The Registrar will also represent you in the Registration and maintenance of the registered Domain Name (the “Domain Name Registration”). All information which you provide to your Registrar and SGNIC must be true, complete, accurate and not misleading. SGNIC may in exceptional cases and at its sole and absolute discretion provide registration or other services relating to a .sg domain name directly to an Applicant.

    您需要指定一名您选择的注册服务商作为您的代理人,他将协助和代表您申请域名。注册商还将代表您进行注册域名的注册和维护(域名注册)。您提供给您的注册商和 SGNIC 的所有信息必须真实、完整、准确且没有误导性。在特殊情况下,SGNIC 可以自行决定直接向申请人提供与 .sg 域名相关的注册或其他服务。


4.3. SGNIC also expects all Registrars to conduct its business ethically and to conform to the Code of Practice for Registrars and Resellers (the “COP”). The COP is available online at SGNIC’s website. SGNIC encourages you to review the COP so that you might be better informed of your rights and responsibilities when you engage a Registrar.

    SGNIC 还希望所有注册商以合乎道德的方式开展业务,并遵守注册商和经销商行为准则(“COP”)。COP 可在 SGNIC 网站上在线获取。SGNIC 鼓励您查看 COP,以便您在聘请注册服务商时可以更好地了解自己的权利和责任。


5.  Available Domain Names for Registration


The following are the categories of Domain Names that may be accepted for registration by SGNIC:

以下是 SGNIC 可接受注册的域名类别:

Available Second-Level Domain Names



(a) <applied name>.COM.SG

(b) <applied name>.NET.SG

(c) <applied name>.ORG.SG

(d) <applied name>.EDU.SG

(e) <applied name>.GOV.SG

(f) <applied name>.PER.SG


In relation to the above second-level domain names, the <applied name> string may consist of (i) Latin characters, (ii) both Latin and Chinese characters, and/or (iii) only Chinese characters.

对于上述二级域名,<applied name> 字符串可能包含 (i) 拉丁字符,(ii) 拉丁字符和中文字符,和/ (iii) 仅中文字符。


Available Top-Level Domain Names  可用的顶级域名

<applied name>. SG

The ending of “.SG” may be replaced by “.新加坡” or “.சிங்கப்பூர் In relation to “.SG” Domain Names, the <applied name> string may consist of (i) only Latin characters, (ii) both Latin and Chinese characters, and/or (iii) only Chinese characters. In relation to “.新加坡” or “.சசிங்கப்பூர்” Domain Names, the <applied name> string may consist of (i) all Chinese or Tamil characters respectively, or (ii) a mixture of Latin and Chinese / Tamil characters respectively, provided that there must be at least 1 Chinese or Tamil character respectively in the <applied name> string.


“.SG”的结尾可以用“.新加坡“ .SG”代替。சிங்கப்பூர் 对于“.SG”域名,<applied name> 字符串可能包含 (i) 仅拉丁字符,(ii) 拉丁字符和中文字符,和/ (iii) 仅中文字符。关于“.新加坡“. சசிங்கப்பூர்”域名,<applied name>字符串可以由(i)所有中文或淡米尔语字符组成,或(ii)拉丁语和中文/淡米尔语字符分别混合,前提是必须至少有1个中文或淡米尔语<applied name> 字符串中的字符。


6. Conditions for Choice of <applied name>


The string <applied name> must contain at least one character and at most sixty-three characters. Acceptable characters are:

字符串 <applied name> 必须包含至少一个字符,最多 63 个字符。可接受的字符是:


(a) Letters from “a” to “z”. And since Domain Names are not case sensitive, there will be no distinction between upper case letters and lower case letters (i.e. “A” is treated as “a” and vice versa);


(b) Numeral digits 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and/or 9;

       数字 012345678 / 9

(c) Hyphen character (the only non-alphanumeric character allowed in a Domain Name) provided it is not the beginning or ending character, or in the third and/or fourth position of the <domain name> string; and

   连字符(域名中唯一允许的非字母数字字符),前提是它不是开头或结尾字符,或者位于 <域名> 字符串的第三和/或第四位置;和


(d) Non-Latin characters of the type that may from time to time be accepted by SGNIC. Information regarding the latest type of non-Latin characters that are acceptable to SGNIC may be found at SGNIC’s website (

       SGNIC 可能不时接受的类型的非拉丁字符。有关 SGNIC 可接受的最新类型的非拉丁字符的信息可以在 SGNIC 的网站 ) 上找到。


7.   Reserved Domain Names


<applied name> strings containing the following types of phrases may not generally be registered by members of the public and notwithstanding anything contained in this ROR or any of the Reference Documents, if registered, SGNIC may delete the registration or take such other action as SGNIC deems necessary or desirable in its sole and absolute discretion. You warrant that the <applied name> does not, in whole or in part, contain anything which falls within the categories below:

   包含以下类型短语的 <applied name> 字符串通常不会被公众注册,尽管本 ROR 或任何参考文件中包含任何内容,如果注册,SGNIC 可能会删除注册或采取 SGNIC 等其他行动全权酌情决定认为必要或可取。您保证 <applied name> 不全部或部分包含属于以下类别的任何内容:


(a) “Singapore”, “Singapura”, “Singapore Government”, “Government” or “President” or any variations of the aforementioned words which whether on its own or together with any of the remaining portion of the Domain Name may suggest a link to the Singapore Government;

    “Singapore”“Singapura”“Singapore Government”“Government”“President”或上述词语的任何变体,无论是单独还是与 域名的任何剩余部分一起可能暗示与新加坡政府的链接;


(b) words, names or phrases (whether they are full names, abbreviations or acronyms) which (i) on its own, (ii) together with any of the remaining portion of the Domain Name, and/or (iii) when put to use, may suggest a link to the Singapore Government, statutory bodies, regulatory authorities / agencies, and national controlling bodies;

   单词、名称或短语(无论是全名、缩写还是首字母缩略词),它们 (i) 单独,(ii) 与域名的任何剩余部分一起,和/ (iii) 在放置时使用,可能建议链接到新加坡政府、法定机构、监管机构/机构和国家控制机构;

 (c) “SGNIC”, “NIC” and other variations which may suggest a link to SGNIC;

    “SGNIC”“NIC”和其他可能暗示与 SGNIC 有联系的变体;


 (d) phrases which may be regarded as obscene, scandalous, indecent or contrary to law or morality in any language. If the <applied name> string is in a language other than English, it is your duty to inform SGNIC as to what is the language and the meaning of the <applied name> string in that language;

    任何语言中可能被视为淫秽、诽谤、下流或违反法律或道德的短语。如果 <applied name> 字符串是英语以外的语言,您有责任通知 SGNIC 什么是语言以及 <applied name> 字符串在该语言中的含义;


 (e) phrases which are or which may represent geographical names or names of countries (e.g. Singapore, Malaysia, Japan, etc.) in any language, including without limitation to phrases identical to the two-letter country codes listed in ISO 3166 for second and third level domain name registration. However, if you can demonstrate to SGNIC’s satisfaction that there are strong justifications for using the reserved two-letter country code, such as the two-letter code is the same as the acronym of your products/services or is your business/company name and that you have been registering the same acronym in other domain spaces, SGNIC will consider the registration of such names, provided that the registration does not contravene any of the provisions of these Rules or the DNRA;

   代表或可能代表任何语言的地名或国家名称(例如新加坡、马来西亚、日本等)的短语,包括但不限于与 ISO 3166 中列出的第二个字母国家代码相同的短语和三级域名注册。但是,如果您可以向 SGNIC  对使用保留的两字母国家代码有充分理由感到满意,例如两字母代码与您的产品/服务的首字母缩略词相同,或者是您的企业/公司名称,并且您一直在注册相同的首字母缩略词在其他域名空间中,SGNIC将考虑注册此类名称,前提是该注册不违反本规则或DNRA的任何规定;


(f) phrases, which either on their own or in combination with other characters, may look similar to .com, .org, .net, .edu, .gov, .per, or any other string which SGNIC has made available at the second-level at the time when you make your application;

   单独或与其他字符组合使用的短语可能类似于 SGNIC 提供的任何其他字符串申请时的二级;


(g) “www”, “http”, “https” or “http-www” and their variations; and

   “www”“http”“https”“http - www” 及其变体;和


 (h) phrases which, independently or together with any other portion of the Domain Name, or when put to use, are regarded by SGNIC as undesirable or unsuitable for registration, as likely to (1) cause confusion to the public, (2) be contrary to the security, harmony or interests of Singapore, (3) offend good taste or decency, (4) offend religious beliefs, or (5) be contrary to or diminishes any other social objectives, national social movements and/or any other efforts / endeavours associated with Singapore’s government, statutory bodies, regulatory authorities / agencies and/or national controlling bodies.

   单独或与域名的任何其他部分一起使用时,被 SGNIC 视为不受欢迎或不适合注册的短语,可能会 (1) 引起公众混淆,(2)违反新加坡的安全、和谐或利益,(3) 冒犯品位或体面,(4) 冒犯宗教信仰,或 (5) 违反或削弱任何其他社会目标、国家社会运动和/或任何其他与 新加坡 政府、法定机构、监管机构/机构和/或国家控制机构相关的努力/努力。


For the avoidance of doubt, SGNIC has sole and absolute discretion in deciding which names/phrases are objectionable, undesirable or unsuitable for Registration. SGNIC may also reserve additional names from time to time where such reservation is deemed necessary or desirable by SGNIC.

 为免生疑问,SGNIC 在决定哪些名称/短语令人反感、不受欢迎或不适合注册方面拥有唯一和绝对的酌处权。如果 SGNIC 认为有必要或需要此类保留,SGNIC 也可能会不时保留其他名称。


8. Eligibility Criteria


Applicants must additionally fulfil the following criteria and agree to be subject to the following conditions at all times for SGNIC to register and maintain the registration of the applied Domain Names. If a registered Domain Name can no longer meet the criteria, SGNIC may under exceptional circumstances continue to allow the registration or allow time for the entity to migrate to another Domain Name.

申请人还必须满足以下标准,并同意始终遵守以下条件,以便 SGNIC 注册和维护所申请域名的注册。如果已注册的域名不再符合标准,SGNIC 可在特殊情况下继续允许注册或留出时间让实体迁移到另一个域名。


Category of Domain Name applied for


Eligibility Criteria and Other Conditions


.sg (and the equivalent, .新加坡” or “.சசிங்கப்பூர்

.sg(以及等效的,.新加坡“ .sasingpur 

8.1 All persons may apply for Domain Names in this category. However, a foreign applicant must appoint and duly authorise a local agent as its administrative contact. The administrative contact must furnish a valid Singapore postal address for SGNIC’s records.

   任何人均可申请该类别的域名。但是,外国申请人必须指定并正式授权当地代理人作为其行政联系人。管理联系人必须提供有效的新加坡邮政地址以供 SGNIC 记录。

8.2 Applicants should be either registered or in the process of registering, with the Accounting & Corporate Regulatory Authority (“ACRA”), Enterprise Singapore or any professional body in Singapore.


8.3 A foreign corporation not so registered may apply for this category of Domain Names provided it appoints and duly authorises a local agent as its administrative contact. Further, this local agent must furnish a valid Singapore postal address for SGNIC’s records.

   未注册的外国公司可以申请此类域名,前提是它指定并正式授权当地代理人作为其管理联系人。此外,该本地代理必须提供有效的新加坡邮政地址以供 SGNIC 记录。

8.4 A unit, for example a division or department, of any organisation referred to in paragraph 8.2 or of any government body, may also apply for this category of Domain Names provided its parent organisation confirms in writing the relationship between the parent organisation and such unit.

    8.2 段中提及的任何组织或任何政府机构的单位,例如部门或部门,也可以申请此类域名,前提是其上级组织以书面形式确认上级组织与该单位之间的关系.

8.5 Organisations which are either registered or in the process of registering with the Registry of Societies (“ROS”) may apply for this category of Domain Names. Other organisations which are not registrable under the Societies Act or the Companies Act or a professional body (such as community clubs, grassroots organisations, churches and embassies) may also apply under this extension.


8.6 A unit, for example a division or department, of a registered society referred to in paragraph 8.5 above or of any government body, may also apply for this category of Domain Names provided its parent organisation confirms in writing the relationship between the parent organisation and such unit.

   以上第 8.5 段所述注册社团或任何政府机构的单位,例如部门或部门,也可以申请此类域名,前提是其上级组织以书面形式确认上级组织与这样的单位。

8.7 Only educational institutions may apply under this category of Domain Names. Applicants must be (a) registered with the Ministry of Education in Singapore, or (b) registered with the Ministry of Social and Family Development, or (c) registered under the Private Education Act, or (d) is otherwise authorized by law or the Government to provide educational services in Singapore.

   只有教育机构可以申请此类域名。申请人必须 (a) 在新加坡教育部注册,或 (b) 在社会和家庭发展部注册,或 (c) 根据私立教育法注册,或 (d) 获得法律授权或政府在新加坡提供教育服务。

8.8 Applicants not so registered may apply also provided they are entities that (a) provide courses or training that either lead to certifications or qualifications (which are issued by such entities or in partnership with educational institution(s)) that are recognised by a government authority or institution in Singapore; or (b) receive support in the form of funding, endorsement and so on from a relevant government authority in Singapore.

   未如此注册的申请人也可以申请,前提是他们是 (a) 提供课程或培训,从而获得政府认可的证书或资格(由此类实体或与教育机构合作颁发)新加坡的权威或机构;(b) 从新加坡相关政府机构获得资助、认可等形式的支持。

8.9 A unit, for example a division or department, of any government body may also apply for this category of Domain Names.




Category of Domain Name applied for


Eligibility Criteria and Other Conditions


8.10 Government bodies or members of the Singapore Government like statutory boards may apply for this category of Domain Names.


8.11 Government bodies which register their names in this category may also opt to register Domain Names that reflect their identities or the services and schemes they provide in the other Domain Name categories.


8.12 (i) Infocomm Media Development Authority licensees (SBO individual licence, FBO licence, or other licences providing dedicated connectivity or value-added network services); or (ii) providers offering network-based data hosting services such as email hosting, DNS hosting, web hosting and data centres may apply for Domain Names in this category provided that they also satisfy the criteria stated in paragraph 8.2. Any applied name in this category must be reflective of and substantially linked to the Applicant’s principal business operations and/or company name. Any use of the applied name must be for the main purpose of conducting the Applicant’s said business.

    (i) Infocomm Media Development Authority 许可证持有者(SBO 个人许可证、FBO 许可证或其他提供专用连接或增值网络服务的许可证);或 (ii) 提供基于网络的数据托管服务(例如电子邮件托管、DNS 托管、网络托管和数据中心)的提供商可以申请此类域名,前提是他们还满足第 8.2 段所述的标准。此类别中的任何应用名称必须反映申请人的主要业务运营和/或公司名称并与其有实质性联系。对所申请名称的任何使用都必须是为了进行申请人的上述业务的主要目的。

8.13 A unit, for example a division or department, of any government body may also apply for this category of Domain Names.


8.14 Only Singapore citizens and permanent residents above the age of 18 years old may apply for Domain Names in this category. Parents or legal guardians may apply on behalf of their ward who is below the age of 18 years old (the “Intended Beneficiary”) provided the Applicant agrees to effect transfer of the registered domain name to, and only to, the Intended Beneficiary once the Intended Beneficiary reaches the age of 18.

      只有年满 18 岁的新加坡公民和永久居民可以申请此类域名。父母或法定监护人可以代表其未满 18 周岁的被监护人(预期受益人)申请,前提是申请人同意将注册的域名转移给且仅转移给预期受益人。预期受益人年满 18 岁。


8.15 SGNIC may require Applicants to provide the relevant proof of their eligibility according to the table above and/or other documents to support the application. Where the Applicant is in the process of registering with ACRA, ROS or other professional bodies, the Applicant has thirty (30) days from the date of application to SGNIC to complete and furnish evidence of successful registration with those authorities or bodies. Failure to do so may result in SGNIC rejecting the application.

    SGNIC 可要求申请人根据上表和/或其他文件提供其资格的相关证明以支持申请。如果申请人正在向 ACRAROS 或其他专业机构注册,则申请人自向 SGNIC 申请之日起有三十 (30) 天的时间完成并提供在这些机构或机构成功注册的证据。否则可能会导致 SGNIC 拒绝申请。


8.16 SGNIC may still require proof of eligibility and/or other supporting documents to support the registration, after the name has been registered. Failure to provide SGNIC with such documents may result in SGNIC revoking the registration.

    在名称注册后,SGNIC 可能仍需要资格证明和/或其他支持文件来支持注册。未能向 SGNIC 提供此类文件可能会导致 SGNIC 撤销注册。


8.17 This Clause shall apply in like manner for any Internationalised Domain Names that SGNIC from time to time may allow for registration.

     本条款应以类似方式适用于 SGNIC 不时允许注册的任何国际化域名。


9. Priorities in Registration


9.1 Where SGNIC receives more than 1 application for the same Domain Name and more than one Applicant is eligible for registering that Domain Name, SGNIC shall give priority of registration to the Applicant who first submits to SGNIC a complete application (“First-come-first-served” basis). This is notwithstanding that the Domain Name is shown in the WHOIS database as being available for registration at any point of time before the Domain Name is actually registered. For avoidance of doubt, a “complete application” means one which includes all necessary information for SGNIC to consider the application and to effect registration of the Domain Name.

  SGNIC 收到超过 1 个相同域名的申请,并且有多个申请人有资格注册该域名的,SGNIC 将优先注册最先向 SGNIC 提交完整申请的申请人(先到先得 -服务的基础)。尽管域名在 WHOIS 数据库中显示为可在实际注册域名之前的任何时间点进行注册。为免生疑问,完整申请是指包含 SGNIC 考虑申请和实现域名注册的所有必要信息的申请。


9.2 Where a Domain Name is ordered to be transferred from you according to any decision or order from the Courts of Singapore or an administrative proceeding instituted under the SDRP, SGNIC after learning of such decision or order will reserve the Domain Name solely for the party who is entitled to its transfer and registration for a period no longer than thirty (30) days (the “Reserved Period”). The Domain Name will be made available for registration by the public only after the Reserved Period provided it has not already been registered by the so-entitled party.

     如果根据新加坡法院的任何决定或命令或根据 SDRP 提起的行政程序命令您转让域名,SGNIC 在获悉此类决定或命令后将仅为以下一方保留域名有权在不超过三十 (30) 天(保留期)的时间内进行转让和注册。只有在保留期之后,域名才可供公众注册,前提是该域名尚未被如此授权的一方注册。



The list of .SG policy documents and agreements are:
.SG 政策文件和协议清单如下:

Domain Name Registration Agreement     DNRA

Rules of Registration             ROR

Acceptable Use Policy for Registrant       AUPT

登记者的可用政策   注册人可接受的使用政策
Registrar Accreditation Agreement         RAA

Code of Practice  实务守则                Code

职业道德标准  工作条例规定 
WHOIS Policy  WHOIS 政策

Privacy Policy  隐私政策
