职业道德标准 工作条例规定

5. Code of Practice  实务守则  原稿 e



Code of Practice For Registrars and Resellers



TABLE OF CONTENTS  注册商和经销商行为准则

1. Preamble ...... 序言  ................................................................................................................. 2

2. The Principles ..... 原则.  ............................................................................................................ 2

3. Accreditation Status ....... 认证状态...................................................................................      .... 2

4. Capabilities .................. 能力    .....................................................................  ........................... 2

5. General Prohibitions ........ 一般禁止事项  ...............................................  ............................... 3

6. Authorisation .................   授权..       .....................................................................................     3

7. Registrations and Renewals ....  注册和更 ............................................................................. ... 3

8. Confidentiality ......... 保密....  ..................................................................................................... 3

9. Supplier’s Agreement with Customer ....... 供应商与客户的协议................................................ 4

10. Market Conduct ........... 市场行为.... ....................................................................................... 4

11. Complaints Handling ...... 投诉处理     ...................................................................................... 4 




1. Preamble  序言

 a) This Code of Practice for Registrars and Resellers (the “Code”) is part of and is in addition to the Registrar Accreditation Agreement (the “RAA”) between the Registrar and SGNIC. This Code sets out the rules and principles which must be observed by accredited Registrars and Resellers (collectively “Suppliers”) of Domain Names so that the interest of all parties (including those of the Suppliers, SGNIC and Domain Name registrants (also referred to as “Customers”)) are protected.

   本注册服务商和经销商实务守则(守则)是注册服务商与 SGNIC 之间的注册服务商委任协议(“ RAA ”)的一部分,也是其补充。本守则规定了经认可的域名注册商和经销商(统称为供应商)必须遵守的规则和原则,以便各方(包括供应商、SGNIC 域名注册人(也称为客户”)) 受到保护。


b) In this Code, capitalised words that are not defined shall have the same meaning as set out in SGNIC’s latest version of the RAA which may be viewed at SGNIC’s website, www.sgnic.sg/. Additionally, in this Code, except where the context otherwise requires or unless otherwise specified, references to legislation or to any provision of legislation include references to modifications or re-enactments of, substitutions for (whether under the same or a different name or title), and all statutory instruments issued under, that legislation or provision.

  在本准则中,未定义的大写单词与 SGNIC 最新版 RAA 中规定的含义相同,可在 SGNIC 网站 www.sgnic.sg/ 上查看。此外,在本守则中,除非上下文另有要求或除非另有说明,否则对立法或立法的任何条款的引用包括对(无论是在相同或不同名称或标题下)的修改或重新制定、替代的引用,以及根据该立法或规定发布的所有法定文书。


c) In order to achieve the purpose stated above, in general, Suppliers are to observe and uphold the principles and requirements stated in this Code.



2. The Principles  原则

Suppliers shall: 供应商规定:

a) operate their businesses competently and in good faith so as to promote confidence in Customers and other stakeholders in the registration and use of Domain Names;


b) maintain fair and open competition between Suppliers;


c) preserve and advance the standing of the domain name industry in Singapore; and


 d) uphold the integrity and reputation of SGNIC in its operation of Singapore’s shared registry system for Domain Names.

在新加坡域名共享注册系统的运营中维护 SGNIC 的完整性和声誉。


3. Accreditation Status  认证状态

 a) Registrars shall accurately inform the general public of the status of their accreditation by SGNIC and the type of Registrar Services they are allowed to perform with SGNIC on behalf of Customers.

   注册商应准确告知公众其 SGNIC 的认可状态以及他们被允许代表客户向 SGNIC 提供的注册商服务类型。

 b) Registrars must also advise Customers of any change of its status promptly.


 c) Further, where there has been a change in the Registrar’s status and upon request by SGNIC or a Customer to change Registrars, the outgoing Registrar must expeditiously effect the change and provide all necessary assistance to the incoming Registrar at no cost to the Customer or incoming Registrar.

   此外,如果注册服务商的状态发生变化,并且在 SGNIC 或客户要求更改注册服务商时,即将离任的注册服务商必须迅速实施更改并向新注册服务商提供所有必要的帮助,客户无需支付任何费用,或者即将到来的注册商。


4. Capabilities  能力

Suppliers shall put in place and maintain all necessary capacity, expertise, technology and infrastructure (“Capabilities”) to provide quality services to Customers. Examples of such Capabilities are: (i) providing and maintaining IT systems that are secured and capable of meeting SGNIC’s then prevailing quality of service standards; (ii) maintaining sufficient qualified staff to provide .sg domain name registration services promptly; and (iii) maintaining a reliable data archival, backup and disaster recovery system.

供应商应部署并维护所有必要的能力、专业知识、技术和基础设施(能力),以向客户提供优质服务。此类能力的示例包括: (i) 提供和维护安全且能够满足 SGNIC 当时流行的服务质量标准的 IT 系统;(ii) 维持足够的合格人员以迅速提供 .sg 域名注册服务;(iii) 维护可靠的数据归档、备份和灾难恢复系统。


5. General Prohibitions  一般禁令

a) Suppliers shall not wilfully do, cause or permit to do anything which may harm the reputation, goodwill or business of SGNIC and/or the domain name registration industry at large.

    供应商不得故意做、导致或允许做任何可能损害 SGNIC /或整个域名注册行业的声誉、商誉或业务的事情

b) Suppliers shall not impose any transfer-out fees on Customers who request to transfer any registered Domain Names out of the Suppliers’ management.



6. Authorisation  授权

a) Supplier should act on behalf of a Customer only if it has been authorized by that Customer to do so. Supplier may register Domain Names for its own legitimate use in accordance with the Rules of Registration but shall not register Domain Names on its own behalf for the purpose of preventing any legitimate Domain Name registration.

    供应商应仅在客户授权的情况下代表客户行事。供应商可以根据注册规则为自己合法使用 注册域名但不得以阻止任何合法域名注册为目的代表自己注册域名。

b) Further, where any order or decision affecting the Supplier’s Customer is issued by an administration panel set up pursuant to the Singapore Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy, the Supplier must act to implement the order or decision expeditiously upon becoming aware of it.



7. Registrations and Renewals  注册和更新

a) Registrations. In connection with the registration of a Domain Name, the Supplier must fully disclose, at a minimum, the following information to a Customer before transacting with SGNIC on that Customer’s behalf:

  注册。就域名注册而言,供应商必须在代表客户与 SGNIC 进行交易之前,至少向该客户充分披露以下信息:

(i) identification details of the Supplier including its legal name, the address of its registered office or principal place of business, and its contact details;


 (ii) the terms and conditions of all agreements with SGNIC (including the Domain Name Registration Agreement) which shall bind the Customer during and after the registration process;

       SGNIC 签订的所有协议(包括域名注册协议)的条款和条件,这些协议在注册过程中和注册后对客户具有约束力;

(iii) the service levels offered by the Supplier, for example, the time that the Supplier would take to process the Customer’s Domain Name registration request; and


(iv) customer support contact information and complaints handling procedures of the Supplier (see Section 11 below).

       供应商的客户支持联系信息和投诉处理程序(见下文第 11 节)。


b) Renewals.  Supplier must take all reasonable measures to remind Customers to renew the registration of their Domain Names at least thirty (30) days before the expiry of the registration. The renewal reminder or notice (or any form of communication that may reasonably be understood by Customers as a renewal reminder or notice) may only be sent by a Supplier who is or whose Registrar is the Customer’s Registrar of Record.

    续订  供应商必须采取一切合理措施提醒客户在注册到期前至少三十 (30) 天更新其域名注册。续订提醒或通知(或客户可以合理理解为续订提醒或通知的任何形式的通信)只能由是客户的记录注册处或其注册处的供应商发送。


8. Confidentiality  保密

a) Suppliers may not use, permit others to use, sell or disclose any personal information relating to any Customer where the use, sale or disclosure has not been authorised by the Customer. The Supplier shall, at all times, comply with the provisions of the Personal Data Protection Act 2012.

    在未经客户授权的情况下,供应商不得使用、允许他人使用、出售或披露与任何客户有关的任何个人信息。供应商应始终遵守 2012 年个人数据保护法的规定。

b) WHOIS. Any Registrar providing a WHOIS service in respect of Domain Names shall comply with SGNIC’s WHOIS Policy (available at www.sgnic.sg/overview-3.html), be responsible at all times to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the information retrievable from the WHOIS service, and shall also implement limitations on the use of the WHOIS service. These limitations shall be similar to those implemented by SGNIC in relation to SGNIC’s own WHOIS services (available at SGNIC’s official website – www.sgnic.sg/).

         WHOIS。任何提供有关域名的 WHOIS 服务的注册商均应遵守 SGNIC WHOIS 政策(可在www.sgnic.sg/overview-3.html 上获取),并始终负责确保可从域名中检索到的信息的准确性和可靠性。 WHOIS 服务,并且还应对 WHOIS 服务的使用实施限制。这些限制应类似于 SGNIC 实施的与 SGNIC 自己的 WHOIS 服务相关的限制(可在 SGNIC 的官方网站 www.sgnic.sg/ 上获取)。


9. Supplier’s Agreement with Customer


a) The Supplier must not enter into any agreement with a Customer (“Customer Agreement”) which contains terms that:


(i) are inconsistent with, or in any way modify, override, limit, contradict or negate the terms and conditions of the Domain Name Registration Agreement; or


(ii) unreasonably prevent a Customer from changing Supplier at any time.



b) The Supplier shall inform its Customers or Applicants that it is a pre-condition for Customers or Applicants to enter into a Domain Name Registration Agreement with SGNIC prior to the Supplier taking any action to register the domain name(s) requested by the Customer.

   在供应商采取任何行动注册客户请求的域名之前,供应商应通知其客户或申请人,这是客户或申请人与 SGNIC 签订域名注册协议的先决条件 .


10. Market Conduct  市场行为

The Supplier shall:


(a) only register or renew a Domain Name at the request of a Customer or Applicant;


(b) not register or renew Domain Names in advance of a request from a Registrant for the purpose of restricting a competitor from registering the Domain Name on behalf of a Registrant, or for the purpose of later offering the Domain Name to the Registrant;


(c) provide stand-alone registration service. If Suppliers provide bundled services, they must specify the price of stand-alone registration service and provide those bundled services only on an optional basis; and


(d) not represent to any person that the Supplier enjoys access to SGNIC or services offered by SGNIC over any other Supplier that is superior or preferential to that of any other Suppliers.

       不向任何人表示供应商享有对 SGNIC SGNIC 提供的服务的访问权,而不是优于或优先于任何其他供应商的任何其他供应商。


11. Complaints Handling


a) Suppliers shall have in place fair policies and clear procedures to handle complaints from Customers in relation to the .sg Domain Name registration services provided by the Supplier. Such policies and procedures should, at a minimum:

  供应商应制定公平的政策和明确的程序来处理客户对供应商提供的 .sg 域名注册服务的投诉。此类政策和程序至少应:

(i) demonstrate commitment to the right of Customers to lodge complaints;


(ii) demonstrate commitment to resolve all complaints impartially;


(iii) provide for the resolution of all complaints within a reasonable time period; and


(iv) be publicised on the Supplier’s official website, when requested by SGNIC.

        SGNIC 的要求,在供应商的官方网站上公布。

b) Suppliers shall also:


(i) advise complainants of the outcome of the complaint as soon as practicable; and


(ii) keep records of and provide SGNIC with complaints handling policy and procedures as well as statistics pertaining to complaints lodged with the Supplier and the outcome of any investigations arising from complaints, when requested by SGNIC.

         SGNIC 的要求,记录并向 SGNIC 提供投诉处理政策和程序,以及有关向供应商提出的投诉和投诉引起的任何调查结果的统计数据。



The list of .SG policy documents and agreements are:

Domain Name Registration Agreement

Rules of Registration

Acceptable Use Policy for Registrant

Registrar Accreditation Agreement   原稿 e

Code of Practice   原稿 e

职业道德标准  工作条例规定 
WHOIS Policy

Privacy Policy
