Acceptable Use Policy for Registrant


1. Preamble

a. This document forms part of the Domain Name Registration Agreement (the “DNRA”) between you (the “Registrant”) and SGNIC. It also sets out certain rules, general principles and procedural steps governing how you may and may not use, or permit for use, the registered Domain Name.

    本文件构成 您(注册人)与 SGNIC 之间的域名注册协议DNRA)的一部分。它还规定了某些规则、一般原则和程序步骤,管理您可以和不可以使用或允许使用注册域名的方式。

b. Capitalised words used in this document when not defined shall have the same meaning as set out in the DNRA (whose latest version is also available at SGNIC’s official website

2. Your Acknowledgements  你的承认书

  You acknowledge and agree that:


a. SGNIC in setting out this Acceptable Use Policy for Registrant (“AUPT”) for your compliance is in no way authorising you to use the registered Domain Name in any manner;

  SGNIC 为您的合规性制定本注册人可接受使用政策(“AUPT”)绝非授权您可以任何方式使用已注册的域名;

b. Due to the rapidly changing nature of the Internet, SGNIC when enforcing the terms in the DNRA, shall have sole and absolute discretion interpreting rules, principles, procedural steps and requirements set out in this AUPT; and

    由于互联网瞬息万变的性质,SGNIC 在执行 DNRA 中的条款时,应拥有解释本 AUPT 中规定的规则、原则、程序步骤和要求的唯一和绝对酌情权;和

c. You shall be wholly responsible for the use and operation of any third, fourth or further sub-level domain to any of your registered Domain Names and shall ensure that the use and operation of each such sub-level domain is conducted in compliance with the DNRA and in particular, this AUPT.

    您应对您注册的任何域名的任何第三、第四或更多次级域的使用和运营负全部责任,并应确保每个此类次级域的使用和运营均符合 DNRA尤其是这个 AUPT


3. Prohibitions

a. Undesirable Content. You may not resolve the Domain Name to any universal resource locator that has one or more links to undesirable content.


b. Illegal Activities. You may not use, or permit the use of, the registered Domain Name to further any illegal or wrongful activities and objects. In considering whether an object or activity is illegal or wrongful, SGNIC may have regard to the laws of Singapore and may also disregard entirely the geographical location(s) where the wrongful activities and/or the effects of such activities (whether intended or not) take place or are felt.

   非法活动您不得使用或允许使用已注册的域名来推进任何非法或不当活动和目标。在考虑对象或活动是否非法或不法行为时,SGNIC 可能会考虑新加坡的法律,也可能会完全忽略不法活动所在的地理位置和/或此类活动的影响(无论是否有意)发生或感觉到。

c. Undesirable Activities. You may not use, or permit use of, the registered Domain Name to further any undesirable activities or objects. Undesirable activities or objects may or may not be illegal in Singapore and shall in this context include (without limitation):


i. Phishing – The use of counterfeit web pages that are designed to trick users of the Internet into divulging sensitive data such as usernames, passwords, or financial data;

   网络钓鱼 使用旨在诱使互联网用户泄露敏感数据(如用户名、密码或财务数据)的假冒网页;

ii. Pharming – The redirecting of unknowing users to fraudulent sites or services, typically through DNS hijacking or poisoning;

   Pharming – 将不知情的用户重定向到欺诈性站点或服务,通常是通过 DNS 劫持或中毒;

iii. Botnet command and control – Services running on a domain name that are used to control a collection of compromised computers or “zombies” or to conduct Direct Denial of Service attacks (“DDoS attacks”);

     僵尸网络命令和控制——在域名上运行的服务,用于控制一组受感染的计算机或僵尸或进行直接拒绝服务攻击(“DDoS 攻击 僵尸网络命令和控制——在域名上运行的服务,用于控制一组受感染的计算机或僵尸或进行直接拒绝服务攻击(“DDoS 攻击

iv. Distribution of malware – The dissemination of software designed to infiltrate or damage a computer system without the owner’s consent. Examples include, without limitation, computer viruses, worms, key loggers, and Trojan horses;

    恶意软件分发 未经所有者同意而传播旨在渗透或破坏计算机系统的软件。示例包括但不限于计算机病毒、蠕虫、键盘记录器和特洛伊木马;

v. Fast flux hosting – Use of fast-flux techniques to disguise the location of websites or other Internet services, or to avoid detection and mitigation efforts, or to host illegal activities;

    快流托管 使用流技术来伪装网站或其他互联网服务的位置,或避免检测和缓解措施,或托管非法活动;

vi. Wildcarding – Use of wildcarding or using redirection within the DNS on names similar to the second-level extensions which SGNIC is offering

      通配符 DNS 中对类似于 SGNIC 提供的二级扩展的名称使用通配符或使用重定向;

vii. Acts which otherwise threaten the security and stability of the Internet; and


viii. Acts which in SGNIC’s sole and absolute opinion are objectionable or undesirable.

      SGNIC 唯一且绝对认为令人反感或不可取的行为。

4. Warranties  保证书

You represent, warrant and undertake to SGNIC that at the time of the application for the Domain Name, and at all times thereafter:

您向 SGNIC 声明、保证并承诺,在申请域名时及其后的任何时候:

a. the Domain Name applied for (i) does not infringe any registered trade mark in Singapore nor will it give rise to a cause of action in passing off; (ii) is not identical to or confusingly similar with either a registered trade mark, company or business name in Singapore; and (iii) does not infringe the rights of any third parties in relation to any applicable treaties or international agreements;

    申请的域名(i)不侵犯新加坡的任何注册商标,也不会引起假冒诉讼;(ii) 与新加坡的注册商标、公司或商业名称不相同或容易混淆;(iii) 不侵犯任何第三方在任何适用条约或国际协议方面的权利;

b. the warranties provided in the RoR remain valid and in effect;

    RoR 中提供的保证书仍然有效;

c. the use of the Domain Name applied for shall only be for your own use and shall be for lawful purposes and you will not allow another party to use the Domain Name, whether for profit or otherwise and will not deal with the Domain Name in any manner whatsoever; and


d.  in particular and without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing, where you have registered a second-level Domain Name under the top-level domain of .sg, you will not, whether directly or indirectly, and whether for profit or otherwise, without the prior written consent of SGNIC create, operate, lend, lease, license, register, assign, transfer or otherwise deal in any sub-domains or otherwise permit the use thereof by, on behalf of, or for the benefit of any third party. Your attention is drawn to Clause 5.1 of the DNRA (No Proprietary Right) and it is reiterated that, unless otherwise permitted in this document or the DNRA, you shall not have any right to sell, trade, assign or otherwise deal with the Domain Name Registration.

         特别是在不影响上述一般性的情况下,如果您在 .sg 顶级域下注册了二级域名,您将不会,无论是直接还是间接,无论是为了盈利还是其他目的,没有SGNIC 事先书面同意创建、运营、出借、租赁、许可、注册、转让、转让或以其他方式处理任何子域,或以其他方式允许任何第三方、代表任何第三方或为其利益使用这些子域。请注意第 5.1 DNRA(无专有权利)的规定,并重申,除非本文件或 DNRA 另有许可,否则您无权出售、交易、转让或以其他方式处理域名注册。

5. Non-Permitted Commercial Use  未经许可的商业用途

In relation to Domain Names under the “” category, you may not use them in connection with commercial activities unless they are in conformance to guidelines published by SGNIC from time to time. Such guidelines would include, but are not limited to:

对于“.per.sg类别下的域名,您不得将其用于商业活动,除非它们符合 SGNIC 不时发布的指南。此类指南包括但不限于:

a. Soliciting for advertisers and sponsors;


b. Displaying a sponsorship banner of any kind, including those that are generated by banner or link exchange services;


c. Displaying banners for services that provide cash or cash-equivalent prizes to users in exchange for hyperlinks to their websites;


d. Providing a hyperlink to a commercial site, unless you receive no individual payment or consideration by providing that link; or


e. Conducting online promotions and sales of any goods or services to members of the public.






The list of .SG policy documents and agreements are:

Domain Name Registration Agreement

Rules of Registration

Acceptable Use Policy for Registrant

Registrar Accreditation Agreement

Code of Practice

职业道德标准  工作条例规定
WHOIS Policy

Privacy Policy
